API Documentation

semstr.constraints Module


contains(s, tag)
incoming_tags(node, except_edge)
outgoing_tags(node, except_edge)
set_prod(set1[, set2])
tags(node, except_edge, direction)


Constraints([multigraph, …])
Direction An enumeration.
Enum Generic enumeration.
TagRule(trigger[, allowed, disallowed])
Valid([valid, message])

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of semstr.constraints.Constraints, semstr.constraints.Direction, semstr.constraints.TagRule, semstr.constraints.Valid

semstr.convert Module


add_boolean_option(argparser, name, description)
add_verbose_arg(argparser, **kwargs)
from_amr(lines[, passage_id, …]) Converts from parsed text in AMR PENMAN format to a Passage object.
from_conll(lines, passage_id[, …]) Converts from parsed text in CoNLL format to a Passage object.
from_conllu(lines[, passage_id, …]) Converts from parsed text in Universal Dependencies format to a Passage object.
from_export(lines[, passage_id, return_original]) Converts from parsed text in NeGra export format to a Passage object.
from_sdp(lines, passage_id[, mark_aux, …]) Converts from parsed text in SemEval 2015 SDP format to a Passage object.
glob(pathname, *[, recursive]) Return a list of paths matching a pathname pattern.
iter_passages(patterns[, desc, …])
map_labels(passage, label_map_file)
print_errors(errors, passage_id[, id_len])
to_amr(passage[, metadata, wikification, …]) Convert from a Passage object to a string in AMR PENMAN format (export)
to_conll(passage[, test, tree, preprocess]) Convert from a Passage object to a string in CoNLL-X format (conll)
to_conllu(passage[, test, enhanced, preprocess]) Convert from a Passage object to a string in Universal Dependencies format (conllu)
to_export(passage[, test, tree]) Convert from a Passage object to a string in NeGra export format (export)
to_sdp(passage[, test, tree, mark_aux, …]) Convert from a Passage object to a string in SemEval 2015 SDP format (sdp)
validate(passage[, normalization, …])
write_passage(passage[, out_dir, …])

semstr.evaluate Module


add_boolean_option(argparser, name, description)
add_verbose_arg(argparser, **kwargs)
align_fields(fields, titles, title2index) Make sure score fields for individual passage are aligned with summary result fields by inserting empties
evaluate_all(evaluate, files[, name, …])
evaluate_amr(*args, **kwargs)
evaluate_conllu(*args, **kwargs)
evaluate_sdp(*args, **kwargs)
read_files(files[, verbose, force_basename])
summarize(scores[, errors])
write_csv(filename, rows)


ConvertedPassage(converted[, original, …])
Scores(scores) Keeps score objects from multiple formats and/or languages
groupby(iterable[, key]) keys and groups from the iterable.
repeat(object [,times]) for the specified number of times.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of semstr.evaluate.ConvertedPassage, semstr.evaluate.Scores

semstr.validation Module


amr_constraints(*args, **kwargs)
check_implicit_children(constraints, node)
check_multigraph(constraints, node)
check_multiple_incoming(constraints, node)
check_orphan_terminals(constraints, terminal)
check_required_outgoing(constraints, node)
check_root_terminal_children(constraints, …)
check_tag_rules(constraints, node)
check_top_level_allowed(constraints, l1)
check_top_level_only(constraints, l1, node)
conllu_constraints(*args, **kwargs)
print_errors(errors, passage_id[, id_len])
sdp_constraints(*args, **kwargs)
ucca_constraints(*args, **kwargs)
validate(passage[, normalization, …])